Chapter 15 Contributors and acknowledgments


Peer Reviewed By

Ryan Andrews
Cam DePutter
Dr. Trevor Kashey
Kenny Manson
Dr. Victor Peña
Alex Picot-Annand
Jennifer Petrosino
Dr. Jennifer Zantinge

Chapter 15

Contributors and acknowledgments

Science is a collaborative endeavor.

We are most grateful to all of those who contributed their data and expertise to help us write this book.

Authors and Contributors

Dr. Krista Scott-Dixon

Dr. Krista Scott-Dixon developed Precision Nutrition’s PN Coaching / ProCoach and PN Level 2 Master Class Certification curricula. She is also a co-author of the 4th Edition of the PN Level 1 Certification, The Essentials of Nutrition and Coaching for Health, Fitness, and Sport.

With a PhD from York University in Toronto and 10 years of university teaching, Krista has over 20 years of experience in research, adult education, curriculum design, and coaching and counselling. Krista is the author of several books, dozens of popular articles, and many academic publications.

Alaina Hardie

Alaina Hardie is a programmer, maker, and biology enthusiast. She has worked in software development, data security, and network and systems engineering.

After graduating in 2011 from Singularity University’s prestigious Graduate Studies Program, she studied molecular and computational biology. As the Chief Maker and director of the iLab at Singularity University, she is responsible for educating the current and upcoming generations of leaders on using exponential technologies to address humanity’s greatest challenges.

As PN’s original tech person and resident bioinformatician, she was responsible for a lot of the details in chapters 2 and 3, and for most of the computational analysis of the data we gathered for this book.

Dr. Helen Kollias

Dr. Helen Kollias is a researcher and regular content contributor for Precision Nutrition. She is also a co-author of the 4th Edition of the PN Level 1 Certification, The Essentials of Nutrition and Coaching for Health, Fitness, and Sport as well as an advisor for the Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certification.

As a regular content contributor to the blog, she uses her witty and articulate writing style to make complex science accessible and entertaining.

Helen holds a PhD in Molecular Biology, specializing in the area of cell signaling in muscle development and regeneration, and a Master’s degree in Exercise Physiology and Biochemistry.

She has also held research positions at some of the most prestigious institutions in the world, including John Hopkins University and Toronto’s Hospital for Sick Children. At Johns Hopkins, she researched muscle signaling of myostatin and IGF-1 in muscle. At the Hospital for Sick Children she researched the role of genetics in the emergence of brown fat.

Dr. John Berardi

Dr. John Berardi is a co-founder of Precision Nutrition, the world’s largest online nutrition coaching and certification company.

JB has been recognized as one of the top exercise nutrition experts in the world. He earned a PhD in Exercise Physiology and Nutrient Biochemistry at the University of Western Ontario, Canada. His work has been published in numerous textbooks, peer-reviewed academic journals, and countless popular exercise and nutrition books and magazines.

As an elite nutrition coach and exercise physiologist, JB has helped over 150,000 clients in over 100 countries, including Olympic gold medalists, world champion UFC fighters, and professional sports teams. He is also an advisor to Apple, Equinox, Nike, and Titleist.

Judy Rubin

Growing up, Judy was always trying to draw the bugs and creatures found in her backyard, and the cells seen under the microscope in her mother’s lab. This unusual childhood hobby later turned into a career.

After receiving a BA in Biology from University of Maryland Baltimore County, she trained first as a fine artist at the Schuler School of Fine Arts and then as a medical illustrator at University of Toronto in the Biomedical Communications program. She hopes to continue creating accurate, effective, and beautiful visuals for a range biomedical and health topics.

Reviewers, editors, and people who keep us honest

Ryan Andrews

Ryan Andrews is a world-leading educator in the fields of exercise science and nutrition. Ryan is a Registered Dietitian with two Master’s Degrees. He completed his education in exercise and nutrition at the University of Northern Colorado, Kent State University, and Johns Hopkins Medicine.

A highly-respected coach who has been a part of the Precision Nutrition team since 2007, Ryan’s body of work includes an impressive number of articles, presentations, books, and certification manuals, including a co-author on the Erd Edition of the PN Level 1 Certification textbook, The Essentials of Sport and Exercise Nutrition.

A nationally-ranked competitive bodybuilder from 1996-2001, and now a certified yoga instructor, Ryan is also an active volunteer with non-profit organizations to help promote a sustainable future.

Cam DePutter

Camille DePutter is an author, speaker, and communications consultant with a rich portfolio of experience in marketing, public relations, and storytelling.

Camille received her HBA in English from the University of Toronto and trained at the Humber School for Writers. She lends her communication expertise to Precision Nutrition publications, course materials and marketing content.

As a consultant, Camille has helped dozens of top brands and business leaders refine their messaging and improve their customer relationships. Her work has been published extensively in popular websites, magazines and newspapers.

Camille is a frequent contributor to the Precision Nutrition blog. She is also the author of the workbook Share Your Story, and self-publishes at

Dr. Trevor Kashey

Dr. Trevor Kashey, PhD is a biochemist who began his scientific career in high school where he dedicated to non-small cell lung cancer research at the Translational Genomics Research Institute in Phoenix, AZ.

On top of setting some American strongman records of his own, he’s dedicated to improving the performance of all the other athletes he consults and makes a mean oatmeal cookie to boot.

On top of regularly reviewing and publishing lay content, he contributes critical analysis of technical research data as a research reviewer for public and private institutions. He is a regular guest lecturer at local colleges and business seminars and is dedicated to the education and outreach in the field of sports nutrition and dietary supplements.

Trevor has worked with World’s Strongest Man competitors, 150-mile ultra marathon runners, and everything in between. Trevor blends anecdotal, academic, and clinical data, harmonizing it into practical dietary information for the general public. You can find him at

Kenny Manson

Kenny Manson is a performance coach and graduate of the PN Level 2 Master Class Certification. In addition to his PN qualifications, Kenny holds numerous international fitness certifications and is a PTA Global accredited coach, for whom he has co-presented at the mentorship level.

Kenny has worked directly alongside wellness leaders such as OD on Movement, Human Fitness and Performance and The Kaizen Institute of Health, and is also qualified as a chartered and certified accountant. Kenny has applied his corporate experience in the fitness world in a variety of roles, from coaching clients and fellow fitness professionals to providing fitness business management solutions.

Kenny is currently mentor to students of the PN Level 2 Master Class Certification and Digital Health Producer and presenter at Soulgenic.

Dr. Victor Peña

Dr. Victor Peña has a decade of clinical and surgical experience in Ireland and the UK.

He has published widely in international peer-reviewed medical journals, and continues to review the latest research in the fields of health, wellness, fitness, nutrition, and disease prevention on a daily basis to continue to bring the most reliable strategies to his clients.

After deciding that he would like to prevent rather than treat the consequences of poor health, Victor changed careers from surgery to the field of lifestyle medicine.

His work is accredited by respected organizations such as the Harvard Medical School, Yale University School of Medicine, the American Medical Association and the George Washington University Medical School.

Victor is regularly interviewed on international radio to promote healthy lifestyle choices in Spanish-speaking communities in North America and beyond. You can find him at

Alex Picot-Annand

Alex Picot-Annand is a holistic nutritionist and writer who studied psychology at Dalhousie University and nutrition at the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition. She is also Precision Nutrition Level 1 and Level 2 certified, and a key contributor to the Precision Nutrition Encyclopedia of Food.

Although they did not earn her any degrees, she would also argue that she learned many textbooks worth of life wisdom by living in Ecuador for seven months, and by working on the frontline of the health industry for nearly a decade. Thankfully, neither Alex nor her husband carry the OR6A2 gene, so agree on loading their guacamole with cilantro.

You can find her at

Jennifer Petrosino

Jennifer Petrosino earned a BSc in Exercise Science from the University of Miami (FL) and an MSc in Kinesiology from The Ohio State University, while powerlifting for EliteFTS as a raw lifter in the 105-pound weight class.

She is currently a PhD student in the Biomedical Sciences Program at The Ohio State University, where she studies post-transcriptional and translational control of protein synthesis in hypertrophying muscles.

Dr. Jennifer Zantinge

Dr. Jennifer Zantinge is a Molecular Cereal geneticist at the Field Crop Development Centre (FCDC) in Lacombe Alberta.

Graduating with a PhD in molecular biology and genetics from the University of Guelph, Jennifer has had the opportunity to experience the rapid advancement of the field of genomics, along with its new technologies and practical applications.

As lead scientist of the cereal biotechnology lab, her primary goals include the development and evaluation of molecular genetic based tools such as DNA marker panels to help plant breeders select genetically superior plants.

Additional thanks

Dr. Ahmed el-Sohemy

Dr. el-Sohemy is a pioneer in the field of nutrigenomics. His early research paved the way for our current understanding of how genetic and dietary factors interact to regulate various metabolic and biochemical pathways involved in the development of cardiometabolic disease, as well as athletic performance.

Widely published, he is considered a leading researcher in the field of nutrigenomics / nutrigenetics.

His genetic testing organization, Nutrigenomix, is a University of Toronto start-up biotechnology company. It is dedicated to empowering healthcare professionals and their clients with comprehensive, reliable, genomic information, with the ultimate goal of improving health through personalized nutrition.

Dr. Mariane Héroux

Dr. Mariane Héroux received her PhD in Kinesiology and Health Studies from Queen’s University, Canada where she was part of the physical activity epidemiology lab and studied the relationship between nutrition, physical activity, and obesity in children from different countries. Before this, she completed her MSc in Community Health Epidemiology, and studied the relationship between dietary patterns and chronic disease.

Dr. Héroux has published her work in numerous scientific journals and has presented at several scientific conferences. Her interest in how nutrition and physical activity affect the body developed at an early age, when she started noticing that what she ate influenced her performance as a competitive gymnast.

Dr. Héroux continues to explore the importance of nutrition and physical activity at Precision Nutrition where she contributes to research and analyses, and manages key projects.

Singularity University

Special thanks to Singularity University, its faculty, and facilities for their support of this project.

Alaina would like to personally thank SU’s Chair of Digital Biology, Raymond McCauley, for checking on her the first day of the Graduate Studies Program, and providing countless opportunities to learn and teach the wonders of biology. Without Raymond’s inspiration and friendship, this book would not exist.

The PN team
  • Tim Jones, for so freely sharing his genetic data and letting us tell his family secrets.
  • Jenny Brook, Ruby Giulioni, Holly Monster, and Lisanne Thomas, all of whom read and commented on earlier drafts of the manuscript.
The anonymous genetic data contributors

You know who you are.

Thanks for helping us science.

Chapter 14
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