MJ Perrier, PhD, is a data scientist and writer at Precision Nutrition. She holds a PhD in Health and Exercise Psychology from Queen’s University and a master’s degree in Epidemiology and Biostatistics from McGill University. She’s also a Precision Nutrition Level 2 certified coach.
Dr. Perrier has published over 25 papers and book chapters in the field of health and exercise psychology on topics such as the application of behavior change theories.
She’s also been awarded over $400,000 in research grants and has taught multivariate statistics and lectured on qualitative research methods in graduate-level courses at McMaster University.
Articles by MJ Perrier, PhD, PN2

The Brain Diet:
A few weeks back, at a small research meeting in Toronto, Ontario, my good friend Dr. Alan Logan handed me a book I hadn’t heard of before. “What’s this, Alan...The Brain Diet? Doesn’t sound all that appetizing.” Amused, Dr Logan went on to tell me that I was seeing a sneak peek of his book discussing how nutrition can impact both brain and body health.
What it really takes to get bodybuilding-style lean
Here's a sample diet plan from Christian Thibaudeau, a top strength coach whose methods have heavily influenced our style of training around here (although we do differ from time to time) and who is a high level competitive bodybuilder in Canada. If you're trying to get super-lean, you've got to learn to progressively drop your calories. And Christian's plan illustrates that perfectly.
The long awaited Get Shredded Diet
Do you want to get shredded? Like, bodybuilder lean. And do you want to do it "the right way?" Well, if so, you've come to the right place. The Get Shredded Diet is here! Download it now. But I warn you - it's not for the feint of heart.
Body Optimization with Carter Schoffer
Carter Schoffer is a strength and conditioning coach living in London, Ontario, and the former Director of Sports Nutrition and Performance for Precision Nutrition. And today we talk body transformation with a guy responsible for thousands of them.
From platform to stage with Christian Thibaudeau
For years now, there has been a divide in the weight training world. On the one side are those who lift for strength and power: the athletes, the powerlifters, the Olympic lifters. And on the other side are those who lift for looks: the bodybuilders. When one of the best strength coaches in the world crosses that divide, and trades the Olympic platform for the bodybuilding stage, people take notice. And that’s precisely what Christian Thibaudeau has done.
Off-Season Training for Athletes with Eric Cressey
A few months ago when the PN team sat down to put together this library of training programs to integrate with the Precision Nutrition system, we really wanted to make sure that we had something spectacular for our athletes, many of whom compete at the elite level of their sport. So when it finally came time to put together the program to cover off-season training for athletes, we turned to the guy who does it best: Eric Cressey.
Under the bar with Dave Tate
Dave's own history with Precision Nutrition started earlier this year when, after a serious shoulder injury and worries about his cardiovascular health prompted him to change courses, he called JB and asked for help transforming his body and regaining his health. That transformation has been nothing short of amazing.
Chocolate & Tea– Antioxidant benefits
Can chocolate, the ultimate “guilty pleasure” actually be good for us? Is all this media attention on chocolate and its benefits justified? Or is this simply a case of chocoholic justification? Depends on the chocolate. Click here to find out more.
Assessing vs guessing: PN measurements
Often, we beat ourselves up because we think we’re not making progress (in all areas of our lives). Yet, the truth is, in almost every case, we're making tons of progress. We just haven’t tracked it, and so we don’t realize it. PN now has the tool to track and measure your progress.
World’s greatest homemade protein bars?
A few weeks back I popped over to Phil's house for a visit. Hungry, as usual, I pulled open his fridge in search of nourishment. Expecting to find standard PN fare - lean meat, a ton of fruits and veggies, etc. - I gasped in suprise as my eyes beheld a bake pan containing some sort of cake-like dessert.
The Playground Workout:
Today, my gym was closed but I really wanted to exercise. So I improvised and created The Playground Workout. Find yourself with no gym? Use this article for motivation and come up with something creative of your own.
