Nutrition coaching case studies:
A sneak peek at PN's Level 2 Certification Master Class.


Being a great coach means being able to help all kinds of people, in all kinds of situations. In the Precision Nutrition Level 2 Certification, professionals work on interesting nutrition coaching case studies so they can strengthen their coaching skills, under the guidance of a PN Master Coach. Oh, and they LOVE their homework; I think you’ll love it too.


“Along with the feedback from my coach, the case study assignments are the best part of the Level 2 Master Class!”

Odd as it might sound, professionals in the Precision Nutrition Level 2 Certification Master Class absolutely rave about their homework.

Before you start shouting “NERDS!”, consider this…

Our year-long coach-the-coaches mentorship is all about:

  • hands-on daily practice,
  • trying out new coaching skills on real clients/patients, and
  • being guided and mentored by a master coach.

And — yes — this does involve some homework.

The course works like this:

  • Daily emails
    Every day you’ll get an email that briefly describes what you should be working on and thinking about that day. These emails take you to a special Level 2 homepage where you’ll see lessons, habits, and assignments.
  • Daily habits
    Every 2 weeks you’ll get a new coaching habit — something you’ll practice every day. These hands-on experiences will help you develop particular coaching skills in “real time”, in “real life”. We explain each practice in detail on day one. Every day after that, we’ll remind you about your habit via email and in the platform.
  • Daily habit checks
    Every day you’ll also be asked to record whether you practiced your habit, and you can track your progress every day. This helps you see how consistent you’re being. Your coaching mentor can also keep an eye on you, and help with any problems.
  • Daily lessons and assignments
    Every day, you’ll also get a lesson: articles, videos, audio files, and/or downloads, which are also tracked in your progress area. These lessons cover a huge range of ideas and information about nutrition coaching, and ask you to engage with these every day, so your learning “sticks” and builds over time. Your coaching mentor can follow along with you as well.
  • Short quizzes every few weeks
    Every few weeks, there’s a short quiz to help you review key concepts you’re learning in the course. This isn’t so much about getting a particular score as it is about revisiting what’s most important, and getting feedback on how well you’re retaining crucial information.
  • Interesting case studies every two weeks
    Every two weeks we also present our now-famous case studies (a few are featured in this article). Case studies are real-world, real-life problems based on real people. By thinking through these scenarios and applying what you’re learning, you start to gain true mastery as well as the ability to think on your feet. You get a sense of the kinds of concerns you might see from clients/patients in your practice. Plus, you get to use your imagination!
  • Case study reviews from your coaching mentor
    In addition to the mental exercise you get from completing the case studies, your work will also be reviewed by a master coach. Your coach will offer valuable feedback, coaching cues, and growth opportunities.

Put all this together and you’re in for a powerful learning experience.

As one of our Level 2 graduates recently said:

“Level 1 is like studying how to do surgery.

“Level 2 is like standing beside a surgeon while they help you perform your first surgery!”

As another graduate said:

“The material and knowledge provided in Level 1 is top notch. But without application it doesn’t mean much.

“Level 2 is designed to ensure we apply what we learn.

“I continue to become a better coach as I’m stretched to complete each assignment, apply it, and dig deeper with each case study.

Surprisingly, the benefits go far beyond becoming a better coach for my clients. My children and other relationships have also benefitted.”

We’ll teach you how to become a better coach. (And we’ll throw in “becoming a better parent and a better person” for free.)

To give you a sneak peek into the program, I wanted to share a few case studies.

Below, I’ll share four case studies. These are just a random sampling of the 20 or so case studies you’ll work on throughout the Master Class.

I’ll also provide downloadable worksheets so you can print them out and give them a try yourself. Even though you haven’t been through the curriculum, it might be fun to test your knowledge and see how you do.

Finally, I’ll include actual (complete) case studies, submitted by Level 2 students, along with the feedback they received from their coaching mentor.

Whether you complete each case study or not, just reading the responses (and coach feedback) will help you learn some of this material in a new way.

Think of this as a sneak peek into one of the most talked-about components of the Level 2 Master Class.

How to use this article:

Read through the case studies.

You can read all four or just skip to the one that interests you the most.

The case study topics include:

  • Case study 2: Assessing Body Composition
    This case study is about a middle-aged client, Maria. How will you help her figure out how to measure body fat and understand its relationship to heart disease?
  • Case study 3: Too Busy Ray
    This case study is about a time-crunched executive, Ray. How will you help “Too Busy Ray” find the time and mental focus for fitness?
  • Case study 4: Lex Transitions
    This case study is about a client with a complicated hormonal situation, Lex. How will you help Lex deal with the physiological and psychological consequences of a gender transition? (I told you these get interesting!)

Write out your responses to the assignment questions following each case study.

There’s no word count limit; our students do tend to write lengthy essays as they go through these thought-provoking exercises.

(By the way, if you struggle with writing, our coaching mentors will accept videos, visuals, other creative ways of documenting your coaching process. Some students have submitted mind maps, comic books, photo essays. As long as you show your work and problem-solving process, it’s all fair game.)

See how you did.

Now that you’ve had your turn, check out the sample assignment completed by one of our Level 2 Certification students and reviewed by one of our master coaches.

Keep in mind there’s no single “perfect” answer to these case studies. They’re just designed to get you thinking, and to show your coach mentor how you’re working through the questions.

The sample assignments aren’t the only “right” answer to the case studies. They’re intended to give you an idea of what a successful response might look like, and to give you an idea of how our coaches provide feedback.

Put your name on the VIP List.

After you try out the case studies, put your name on the VIP List — if you haven’t already — for our next Precision Nutrition Level 2 Certification Master Class.

It kicks off on Thursday, April 10th and, as always, spots are extremely limited. By joining the VIP, you’ll get the chance to register 24 hours early — and save up to 44% off the general price.

Case Study #1:
Balancing Competing Demands

Great health, fitness, and wellness professionals don’t just know their clients or patients. They know themselves pretty darn well, too.

This case study follows a series of lessons related to personal work practices, fundamental concepts of coaching, and the importance of knowing yourself. Students learn how everything comes down to the core of identity and values, and how we set and uphold priorities.

In other words, this case study is really all about you, coach.

In the following scenario, you are playing “yourself” as closely as possible. Put yourself into these circumstances, and envision how you might respond. Use your imagination as necessary (e.g. if you don’t actually have children, etc.).

The situation: You’re a nutrition coach working at a large gym…

The gym is a pretty busy place, and you’re seeing clients all day long.

At times, this can feel draining. The sheer volume of coaching you’re doing is tough to maintain. Some days, it’s hard to stay upbeat and energetic in the face of difficult and resistant clients.

Of course, the successful and positive clients make up for it. Sort of.

Along with work demands, you’re trying to study for your Level 2 Certification and further your career. You’re not sure exactly where you want to go, but you know that down the road you’d like to have a good career path.

Plus you’ve got a young family at home, with two small children and a partner. Your parents are getting along in years, and you try to see them now and again, but it’s pretty tough with your job and other life demands.

This is all causing a bit of tension on the home front. You feel guilty about leaving the little ones behind for so long, and you miss your partner… never mind your friends, whom you haven’t seen in ages.

Every day you commute in from the suburbs to the gym’s downtown location. This takes you an hour each way, assuming the train isn’t late.

On the plus side, you have time on the train to read blogs, journals, books, and other materials related to your field of nutrition coaching. This helps you stay on top of things — and the diversion comes in very handy for the inevitable weather delays or scheduling problems.

You’re feeling OK about it all, though. As far as you’re concerned, it’s all part of the process. You make a decent wage, and there’s the possibility of promotion… eventually.

One day, your manager calls you into her office.

She wants to make some schedule and personnel changes. These changes will affect your work. She’s not quite sure yet what changes she wants to make, and she wants your input.

There are a few options.

Option 1. You get a promotion, which comes with more money. But it also comes with longer hours. You’ll be expected to work a split shift — you’ll open the gym at 6 am and close it at 11 pm. That means you’ll need to buy a car with that extra money, since the commuter trains don’t run at those times.

Option 2. You relocate to the gym’s other franchise, closer to where you live. You’d work regular Monday-Friday 9-5 hours, which would be great for your family routine. Unfortunately, the pay is lower.

Option 3. You join a small team that tours the country, doing speaking events as part of the gym’s corporate wellness training initiative. You’d get to be part of a cool group of people, and enjoy speaking about your favorite subject — nutrition! Unfortunately, there’s obviously lots of travel, which means long hours on the road and time away from your family. You get a raise, though, and the benefit of working more closely with a team.

Option 4. You head up a new project, researching a new nutrition coaching strategy. This will require a lot of research and brushing up on your existing skills. Because the strategy is new, nobody’s really sure if it will work. It’s going to take a lot of creativity and innovation on your part. If it doesn’t work, your head could be on the chopping block. But if you can make it happen, you’ll look like a superstar. You hope.

Option 5. You take on a management role, supervising the other nutrition coaches. The pay isn’t any better, since it’s considered a lateral move, but there’s a lot more responsibility. You get to boss other people around! But you also get all the hassles of administration and juggling the idiosyncrasies of other humans.

Option 6. You stay in your existing position, and someone else takes on these other opportunities.

“You don’t have to decide right away,” she says. “Could you think about this for a week and get back to me?”

You’re not quite sure which option to choose. “What do you think?”

She shrugs. “It’s up to you.” Then her tone turns conspiratorial. “One more thing. Don’t mention this to the other coaches. I wanted you to have the first shot at this.”

As you leave her office, she gestures for another coach to join her. The other coach walks into the manager’s office, and shuts the door.

You wonder what they’re talking about.

Your assignment

Answer the following questions.

Again, assume that in the case scenario, you are playing “yourself” as closely as possible, imagining what you’d do in these circumstances.

1. In this case scenario, what are some of the challenges and competing demands that you’re experiencing in terms of your identity (i.e. who you are, what kind of person you are)?

2. In this case scenario, what are some of the challenges and competing demands that you’re experiencing in terms of your values (i.e. what you stand for, what your priorities are, and what’s important to you)?

3. What is the option you would choose first? Why?

4. What option would you choose last or never? Why?

5. What did you notice about your decision-making process as you went through this exercise? How did you work through the process of arriving at your decision? What questions did you ask yourself?

Practice this case study

Write or type out your answers to the questions above. Take your time and give them some thought. You can download a printable version here.

See a sample write-up with coach’s notes

Check out a former student’s assignment, marked up by Precision Nutrition Master Coach Adam Feit.

Case Study #2:
Assessing Body Composition

This case study gets you thinking about how to deal with specific physiological questions.

In the Level 2 program, it’s paired with lessons about knowledge production, assessment, and cognitive skills. In other words, how do we know what we know?

This particular case study requires some research. It includes links to some studies that are purposely information-dense. You’ll need to put on your “active reading glasses” in order to make sense of them.

The point is to filter the information and extract the most important points for this particular case, rather than trying to know it all.

Tip: We suggest you divide your case study write-up into sections using subheadings. This will help you organize your thoughts as well as communicate effectively to readers.

The situation: Your new client Maria is a middle-aged woman who is interested in losing body fat to improve her health.

In particular, Maria is concerned about the relationship between body fat and health problems like heart disease.

She wants to know things like:

  • What is the best method of measuring body fat?
  • What is the relationship between body fat and heart disease?

Luckily, you’ve just come across a few relevant studies that might help answer her questions. Problem is, these studies are pretty technical and Maria’s just a beginner with minimal nutrition and fitness knowledge.

Frankly, you’re not 100% certain you can make sense of these studies either. But, armed with your trusty Level 1 Certification textbook (The Essentials of Sport and Exercise Nutrition) for reference, and your own assessment tools, you’re willing to try.

Your assignment

Here’s your assignment. Make sure you have read and understood all the instructions.

1. Read the following four studies.

2. Review the 7-site skinfold measurement assessment sheet in the Level 1 certification textbook, The Essentials of Sport and Exercise Nutrition. Here’s a quick download of that assessment sheet.

3. Prepare case study notes. In your notes, answer the following questions:

a) Comprehend: What are the main points in each research study? What are the general findings? Summarize each study in your own words.

b) Analyze: What are the pros, cons, and practical considerations of different bodyfat measurement methods, including your 7-site bodyfat measurement technique? What about BMI?

c) Synthesize: When considered together, how do these research studies add to your understanding of bodyfat measurement methods?

d) Evaluate: In an ideal world, where price and feasibility were no object, which bodyfat measurement method would you choose? Why?

e) Apply: What are the key findings from these studies that you would share with your new client?

4. In the final section of your assignment, write out a script for communicating these key findings to Maria, and making recommendations.

In the script, also demonstrate that you have listened actively to her needs and understood her concerns.

Remember: She’s a nutritional beginner, so you’ll have to keep your language and concepts simple and straightforward — to answer her questions without overwhelming her.

Here’s a handy opener:
“Hi Maria, I understand you have some questions about…”

Now you take it from here.

Practice this case study

Write or type out your answers to the questions above. Take your time and give them some thought. You can download a printable version here.

See a sample write-up with coach’s notes

Check out a former student’s assignment, marked up by Precision Nutrition Master Coach Geoff Girvitz.

Case Study #3:
Too Busy Ray

Leading up to this case study, students learn about how to help their clients or patients work around and through roadblocks by anticipating, planning and strategizing. By this point, students are also well-versed in coaching psychology techniques such as motivational interviewing.

Many of us can relate to the client here, not just the coach. Who knows, you might even apply some of the coaching tactics to yourself!

The situation: Ray rushes into your office, late again and talking on his cell phone…

“OK. OK. I gotta go. Yeah. OK. OK, I’m here now. Yes. I have to go. Right. Call you later.”

He hangs up. Swings the phone from his ear to his face. Taps in a few characters of a text message, hunched over the phone like a starving orphan with a crust of bread.

You wait.

Eventually Ray slides the phone into its holster at his belt. Turns to you. But you can tell that whatever he was dealing with just now is on his mind.

“Sounds like you’re busy,” you say.

“Auugghh,” says Ray. An expression of exasperation. It sounds like someone squeezing the wind out of him. “I swear, it’s 24-7.”

“Yes, but you’re here now,” you say, with a smile. (Nice refocusing on the positive, coach.)

“Barely,” he responds, with a grimace. “I’m sorry, I’m just so distracted today.”

And every day. Dealing with Ray is like trying to get a word in edgewise with a glassy-eyed gambler pounding on a slot machine. He’s only ever partially checked in.

You have to keep trying anyway. Ray came to you two months ago after his doctor read him the riot act about his blood pressure and triglycerides. He’s lost 10 pounds so far by making some small changes, but needs to lose about 40 more.

“So…?” you begin. “How did that new habit of food journaling go last week?” Already you’re cringing a bit. You think you know what you’re going to hear — that Ray was, once again, “too busy”.

“It was OK,” says Ray. “Some days good, some days not so good.”

Alrighty. This is a start. You can work with this raw material.

“Tell me what worked,” you say. “Let’s see what was successful for you.”

“Well,” says Ray, taking out his notebook, “mornings are real good. Even though I’m rushing, I can usually get a good breakfast. Those Super Shakes were a great idea! I’ve been putting some spinach in there lately. You were right — it’s not that bad!” He grins.

You grin back. Yeah buddy.

“But then,” he continues, “it goes downhill. Lunch is hit or miss. By dinner, it’s a shit show.”

He shows you his food journal. It is, indeed, the proverbial poop performance.

“OK,” you say, putting your analysis hat on, “so what happens here?” You point to midmorning. “Before lunch?”

Ray looks blank. “I dunno. I guess it just… kinda of… gets away from me. There’s so much going on. I feel like I never get a break. And everyone wants everything yesterday. Kids. Wife. Boss. Coworkers. Hell, even the damn dog is looking at me sideways.

“So I’m just rushing around, and before I know it, it’s late, and I’m starving, and I don’t have anything on hand, and there’s that Taco Bell downstairs…”

He sighs. “I just wish everyone would leave me alone, some days, y’know? I feel like I just can’t get anything done. Like I’m always running but never catching up. It’s one thing after another. I feel like I’m just not gonna be able to do this whole thing.”

His phone rings. “Sorry, I gotta take this.”

Clearly, you need to incorporate some anticipating, planning, and strategizing into Ray’s life. You need to help him think and behave more proactively, while keeping him progressing with his fat loss and health goals.

What do you do, coach?

Your assignment

Where do you go from here? Write the rest of the story. What’s your proposed action plan for Ray?

Describe your action plan and how you’ll carry it out. Be sure to include a piece that addresses proactivity and problem-solving for Ray.

To help you through this process, here are some ideas to help you build out the action plan.

Ideas for action planning

Previous daily coaching practices

Here’s a list of previous daily coaching practices, just to give you some ideas for things to combine into an action plan:

  • planning, preparing, and committing to a regular practice
  • matching your coaching behaviors to your identity, values, and goals
  • using assessment tools with clients
  • using outcome-based decision making
  • applying a learning style to the PN Certification material
  • doing a daily 5-minute mind-body scan
  • practicing self-compassion
  • listening actively
  • communicating concepts clearly
  • give positive feedback
  • help someone clarify their values & priorities
  • creating individualized “next action steps” for yourself or clients
  • keep a food record
  • shape the path for yourself or clients
  • having crucial conversations where needed
  • practice or teach a mental skill

Action plan components

Also, review the action plan components:

  • What are you working with? Assess the situation.
  • Where do you want to go? Identify the main objective(s).
  • How are you going to do what you’re going to do? Determine the overall approach and method.
  • What are you going to do? Identify a general set of action steps.
  • How will your client know what to do? Think about how you’ll communicate instructions as well as feedback, evaluation, and any potential crucial conversations.
  • Does this work for both you and the client? Assess “fit”, individualization, resonance, and salience.
  • How will you know if your plan is “working”? Identify and develop progress indicators and a schedule for recording them.
  • What are you going to do first? Prioritize and establish a schedule of action steps.
  • What happens if things go wrong? Anticipate obstacles and develop some backup ideas.

Use these components to create your action plan. Good luck, coach!

Assignment instructions summary

1. In 1-2 pages, describe your action plan for Ray and how you’ll carry it out.

2. Refer to previous habits for ideas, as well as the list of action plan components.

3. Be sure to include a piece that addresses proactivity and problem-solving for Ray.

Practice this case study

Write or type out your answers to the questions above. Take your time and give them some thought. You can download a printable version here.

See a sample write-up with coach’s notes

Check out a former student’s assignment, marked up by Precision Nutrition Master Coach Krista Scott-Dixon.

Case Study #4:
Lex Transitions

Today we’ll meet a composite of several clients we’ve seen in our Precision Nutrition Coaching program over the years — more often than you might expect.

This case puts a new spin on the practice of addressing the needs of a male client — and the need to always be ready to coach through complicated physiology and behavior.

The situation: Lex enrolled in Precision Nutrition Coaching for Women. Except Lex was a he, not a she. At least now he was.

You see, Lex had been born as a woman (i.e. with a female body and assigned a female gender at birth). People saw Lex as a woman. Except that’s not how he felt about himself.

For decades, Lex lived in the female body he’d been born with. Miserably. He overate to cope with the feelings of social exclusion and self-alienation. He dealt with autoimmune flare-ups — joint pain, GI issues, and thyroid disease.

Every time he got a menstrual period, it was horrible. It reminded Lex that he was in the wrong body. And it was painful — part of Lex’s autoimmune constellation involved endometriosis, a condition where uterine tissue grows outside the uterus, creating inflammation and scar tissue inside the visceral cavity.

Lex lived alone with two cats. He spent most days feeling either anxious or depressed. He was likable — polite, funny, and friendly — but he didn’t have many close, supportive relationships. After all, he didn’t want anyone knowing his secret.

Occasionally, although Lex would never tell anyone about it, he thought about ending it all. Then he’d wonder: Who would feed the cats? This small connection kept him tethered to the rest of the world. And so Lex trudged on.

Eventually, he decided enough was enough. What did he have to lose? He began the transition to living full-time as male.

Under the care of his doctor, he began supplementing testosterone in a weekly injection. He also started taking estrogen blockers to prevent ovarian action.

Over several months, his body fat pattern shifted. He still had wide hips and narrower shoulders, but now he was looking more apple-shaped.

He started sprouting a beard and some teenage-style acne, thanks to the androgenic effects of the testosterone. (He started losing his hair, too, but he was so stoked about the new beard, he didn’t mind much.)

Lex was feeling much better about his gender identity.

But healthwise, he was still unhappy. Now he had health concerns of a non-transgendered male (such as higher blood pressure and elevated CVD risk), plus lingering autoimmune problems from his history of living in a female body. And he was still over-eating to deal with it all.

That’s when he found himself in Precision Nutrition Coaching.

He debated which program to enroll himself in.

He decided that he wasn’t yet brave enough to confess his history to a male coach, who he thought might judge him. Many of his legal documents (such as his credit card) still had his old “female” name.

He hadn’t yet had surgery to remove his uterus and ovaries, or his breasts. His doctor wouldn’t clear him for the surgery until he lost some body fat and improved his health. But he had to act fast — the testosterone was doing its work on his ovaries, increasing his risk of reproductive cancer.

Plus, he knew that testosterone would help him build some muscle, if he could just work up the courage to get into the gym.

What the heck, he thought. Let’s just get this over with.

Lex checked off “F” on his application (even though he desperately wanted to check “M”), and wrote, “I am a female-to-male transsexual” in his coaching intake form.

So began Lex’s journey to recovery and a new life as a male. There were just a few small obstacles in the way.

Luckily, Lex’s coach was well-informed about the nutritional, health, and interpersonal needs of trans people who are undergoing transition.

Given Lex’s health history and situation, how do you think his coach might have addressed his case?

Your assignment

1. Review previous course material that might be pertinent to Lex’s case.

2. List the elements of Lex’s story that could potentially be relevant to you as a nutrition coach.

There may be more than you think. Look for clues everywhere. And if we didn’t explicitly mention something, consider what else you might ask Lex about to understand his situation.

3. Consider and describe how Lex’s case reflects the “life webs” of both stress and resilience.

What strands intersect? What are the important threads?

Imagine Lex’s “stress fingerprint” at the center of a web. What else surrounds it? How does Lex’s stress manifest?

Imagine Lex’s resilience at the center of a web. What else surrounds and supports that?

4. Describe how Lex’s unique biological sex and social-cultural gender identity might contribute to his experiences.

This could involve both Lex’s own makeup as well as his interaction with his environment and other people.

5. Develop an action plan for Lex.

In your action plan, address:

  • How could you help Lex build resilience — whether that’s physical, mental, emotional, and/or behavioral?
  • What’s first for Lex? What do you prioritize? What comes after that? Describe the general sequence of coaching goals, priorities, and tasks that you’ll plan and prepare.
  • How will you track Lex’s progress? What indicators will you use, and why? What indicators might you have to adjust for Lex’s case? (For example, with testosterone use but existing breasts, Lex now has a unique body fat deposition pattern that isn’t “textbook” male- nor female-typed.) What outcomes will you use for decision-making?
  • How will you keep it simple for Lex and help him stay focused on doing what matters most?

Practice this case study.

Write or type out your answers to the questions above. Take your time and give them some thought. You can download a printable version here.

See a sample write-up with coach’s notes

Check out a former student’s assignment, marked up by Precision Nutrition Master Coach Krista Scott-Dixon.

What to do next:
Some tips from Precision Nutrition

1. Try the case study assignments

If you’re considering signing up for the Precision Nutrition Level 2 Certification Master Class, check out each case study and, if you’re interested, give them a try.

At the very least, check out our example answers with coach feedback.

This exercise will give you a taste of what the course is like on the inside, and it’ll also give you a deeper understanding of who you are as a coach.

2. Recognize that coaches need coaching — maybe even more than anyone.

You’re out in the world trying to help people feel, look, and perform their best. Sometimes you’re even helping to save lives. But that can be lonely at times.

Who will you bounce ideas off of? Who’s going to help you when you’re stuck? How will you grow and develop?

Finding a good coach and mentor changed my career — and my life.

Now it’s my mission to help other health, fitness, and wellness professionals find the same guidance I was lucky enough to have.

The Precision Nutrition Level 2 Certification Master Class provides exactly that kind of coaching and mentorship.

3. Embrace the challenging cases

Complex clients or patients can zap your confidence or make you question your expertise. But if you learn how to approach these types of situations, they might become the most rewarding part of your job.

That’s how Precision Nutrition Master Coaches think of it — the more challenging, the better. Because these folks give us a chance to grow and improve. They make us better coaches for future tough cases.

The case studies here should give you a small taste of the kinds of people you’ll work to help in your career — like the broad range of clients we’ve worked with very successfully.

So, if you’d like to learn from our experiences, while we walk you through the Master Class curriculum and coach you every step of the way…

In our elite mentorship program, you’ll get personal guidance from our industry-leading coaches—and be able to confidently deliver world-class results for clients of all backgrounds, lifestyles, and needs. Join the top 1% of coaches.

“I skyrocketed my coaching skills and confidence…My impostor syndrome is gone!
- Katya Mohsen, PN Certified Master Health Coach

If you’re ready to level up your coaching skills and feel confident you can guide any client to a lasting health transformation, we’ve got some big news for you:

In April 2025, we’ll open registration for the next cohort of the PN Master Health Coaching Certification, the industry’s most respected practice-based mentorship.

“You cannot be a health or fitness coach without having the tools and techniques that this program brings. It’s a whole different level.”
- Katya Mohsen, Lisa Bernier, PN Certified Master Health Coach

Inside the Master Health Coaching Certification, you’ll learn a skill set and be able to earn a credential that will distinguish you as an elite coach:

The ability to use behavior change psychology to help any client achieve sustainable, meaningful change. And the credential of being a Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach.

“This program does an absolutely phenomenal job of addressing how to affect behavior change…something that’s sorely missing in most people’s practices.”
- Jeb Stuart Johnson, Founder of Food On The Mind, PN Certified Master Health Coach

It’s the only program in the world where you’ll learn the secrets of behavior change psychology through live mentorship.

Because, while knowing the science of nutrition and fitness is important, it’s not enough. In order to actually create change, you need a deep understanding of behavior change psychology.

We’ve applied this understanding with our coaching programs to help over 150,000 clients achieve lasting health transformations—something nobody else can say.

And now, we’re ready to share our hard-earned wisdom with you.

“This program taught me how to be a better coach and retain clients longer. Before, I had clients staying for a month. Now, it’s six, nine months, even a year.”
- Jeff Grogan, PN Certified Master Health Coach

Through real-world coaching scenarios, hands-on assignments, and mentoring sessions with PN’s industry-leading Master Health Coaches, you’ll learn how to prioritize a client’s challenges, help them remove obstacles holding them back, and how to create unique, actionable coaching plans for every client, addressing their:

  • Sleep
  • Stress management
  • Mental health
  • Emotional wellbeing
  • Recovery
  • Diet
  • Exercise

This mentorship program is where the world’s best coaches come to take the next steps in their careers.

At the end of your 20-week program, you’ll be a Master Health Coach—confident in your ability to guide any client towards a meaningful, lasting health transformation.

“I now have more knowledge, more confidence and more skill. My clients stay longer and experience better results.
- Jonny Landels, Founder of Next Step Nutrition, PN Certified Master Health Coach

After joining, you’ll:

  • Help any client achieve sustainable, meaningful change by leveraging behavior-change psychology.
  • Eliminate impostor syndrome and feel more confident in your skills than ever before by integrating proven methods used by the world’s top health and well-being coaches into your coaching practice.
  • Become an authority in the health and well-being space. As you learn from PN’s industry-leading coaches and network with some of the sharpest minds in the industry, you’ll build the confidence to share your expertise with anyone, anytime.
  • Make more money and achieve financial freedom. Whether you decide to take on the full-time role of “health coach”, or you want to expand on your current work as a health and well-being professional, health coaching is a great way to help more people.

Enrollment is currently closed. Doors will open again in April 2025.

If you’re interested, or just want more information, you should strongly consider signing up for the free no-obligation waitlist below.

And by joining the free Waitlist, you’ll get our best price, exclusive perks, and early access when registration opens.

  • Pay less than everyone else. Get our biggest discount off the general public price when you sign up for the waitlist.
  • Sign up 10 days before the general public. We only open the PN Master Health Coaching Certification a few times per year. Due to high demand, we expect it to sell out fast. But when you sign up for the waitlist, we’ll give you the opportunity to register 10 days before anyone else.
  • Receive our free Enrollment Packet—with success stories, details on Board Certification, info on curriculum, and much more

Get early access, exclusive bonuses, and our biggest savings

Registration for the the PN Master Health Coaching Certification will open in the Spring. Get on the free Early Access List today.

  • Get our biggest discount on the Master Health Coaching Certification
  • Get early access signup 10 days before the general public to increase your chances of getting a spot
  • Receive our free Enrollment Packet—with success stories, details on Board Certification, curriculum, and much more