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How to fix a broken diet. [Infographic]
3 ways to get your eating on track.


In this infographic I’ll share the 3 main strategies I use to help clients fix a “broken diet” and start eating better.

I’ll also share how we troubleshoot eating plans when they’ve “just stopped working” and you don’t know what else to try.

And, finally, I’ll show you how to use these powerful and purposeful strategies to improve your own eating. Or to help others do the same.


1. Click here for a fully printable version of this infographic.

2. For a complete explanation of this infographic, including a review of the latest research, check out our accompanying article: How to fix a broken diet: Here are 3 ways to get your eating on track.

3. For more about using your hand as a portable portion guide, check out this article: Forget calorie counting: Try this calorie control guide for men and women.


If you feel like your nutrition’s off track – but aren’t sure what to do about it – hopefully this infographic (and the accompanying article) have given you something new to consider and try.


  • First, remove red flags and nutrient deficiencies.
  • Control your calorie intake without counting calories.
  • Consider your body type and activity level.
  • Observe your progress carefully. Adjust your intake as needed.
  • Do all of this consistently and long-term first, before adding any new strategies.

Remember, whether you’re a beginner and trying to get started in the right direction, or you’re experienced but still spinning your wheels, these steps – when applied in sequence – can make all the difference.

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