Spencer Nadolsky, DO, is a board-certified family, obesity, and lipid physician who has helped thousands of patients over the last decade lose weight and keep it off. He also holds a BS in Exercise Sports Science from the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill and is a Precision Nutrition Level 2 certified coach.
Dr. Nadolsky is also the author of The Fat Loss Prescription and was a nationally ranked NCAA wrestler in college.
Articles by Spencer Nadolsky, DO, Pn2

Fitness & menstrual health:
Fit women often lose their menstrual period when training hard or dieting to lose fat. While some think it's no problem, this couldn't be further from the truth. In today's article we explore why losing your period can be a negative thing. We also share some tips on staying lean and fit while maintaining your hormonal health.

Carbohydrate confessions:
Have you ever been forced to change your mind? Even about something you thought was absolutely true? Well, that's what happened to Dr. Spencer Nadolsky. A long-time low carb advocate, this high carb experiment rocked his world.

Doctor Detective with Spencer Nadolsky
In this month’s case study, Dr. Detective works with a young fitness professional who comes to him on thyroid replacement only to discover the treatment of symptoms missed fixing the underlying cause — not enough food, and too much stress.

Doctor Detective with Spencer Nadolsky
In this week’s case, Dr. Detective meets an apparently healthy woman whose unexplained stomachaches have left a series of doctors scratching their heads – but whose problems are solved with a simple elimination diet.

Doctor Detective with Spencer Nadolsky
In this month’s case study, Dr. Detective delves deeper into the causes of yellowing skin – and teaches us that middle-aged women are not the only ones to suffer from autoimmune hypothyroidism.

Doctor Detective with Spencer Nadolsky
Sciatic pain can sometimes be due to disc damage. But surgery isn’t always required. In this month’s case study, Dr. Detective meets a truck driver whose job-related stress gives him a literal pain in the butt – and fixes him with stretches rather than surgery.
