Coaching Dietary Strategies Course 2

How to Coach Intermittent Fasting

A self-paced, digital course designed to help you confidently explain how intermittent fasting (IF) works and make personalized plans that get your clients the meaningful change they’re looking for.

  • Master the advanced science of IF—including the benefits and trade-offs that could take your clients by surprise
  • Get expert tools and assessments to discover which type of fasting (if any) is most appropriate for your clients’ needs, goals, and lifestyle
  • Help your clients understand the different IF schedules and set expectations around results for weight loss and longevity
  • Earn Continuing Education Credits (CECs)


Nutrition professionals who want to further develop their coaching skills—along with those who simply want a deeper dive into this topic.


This course is entirely self-paced, and the material can be covered in detail in about 9-12 total hours.

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100% online. Access the course materials from any device, at any time, through your online Precision Nutrition dashboard.


Try the entire course for 45 days. If you don’t love it, let us know and we’ll give you all your money back.

Some say intermittent fasting is “like magic”

They describe feeling “superhuman” with endless energy, “easy” weight loss, and better focus.

They’ve “never felt better!”

While others who’ve tried intermittent fasting say they feel drained, stressed, and angry without eating for long periods.

So which is it?

As we’ve come to discover through the latest science coupled with personal fasting experiments: it’s both.

Just like any way of eating, IF doesn’t work the same for everyone.

You’ve got to consider your clients’ biology, health, mindset, and social context to determine if they’re a good fit for an intermittent fasting or energy-restriction-type plan.

The fact is, success comes when you fit the plan to your client, rather than trying to make every client fit the same plan.

In How to Coach Intermittent Fasting, you get everything you need to know about:

  • How to determine who should try IF and who shouldn’t
  • The (many) pros and (just as many) cons of intermittent fasting protocols
  • The different IF schedules, including 16:8, 20:4, 5:2 — and how to choose which one to work with

This course is the last resource you need to decide whether IF is a good fit for your clients (or you) and, if so, how to use it to get lasting results.

What you’ll learn in How to Coach
Intermittent Fasting

The psychology, physiology, and direct experience of fasting, so you can cut through the noise about the “right” fasting protocol.

Who IF is 100% NOT for and the 3 factors you can use to confidently explain your rationale to a client who falls in this category.

How to pick a fasting plan that fits your clients’ unique situations. (You’ll gain in-depth knowledge of 9 popular variations and learn 3 of our favorites).

Help your clients understand (and get control of) their hunger so they can stop those late-night cravings they often cave to.

The fitness activities that are least affected by fasting — and those to raincheck so you’re not overtaxing your clients’ bodies while in a deficit.

Real-world coaching case studies to apply your new knowledge (based on PN’s deep expertise from coaching over 150,000 clients).

Dive deep into the studies and science for the nerd in you who wants to know about things like hormesis and senescence.

The 15+ important evidence-based cautionary notes you need to take before you coach anyone towards regular fasting.

How the course works

How to Coach Intermittent Fasting is a self-paced, digital course that demystifies the next-level knowledge you need to help anyone interested in IF maximize their success depending on their goals. Here’s an overview of what we’ll cover in our three expertly crafted units:

Unit 1:
The science of fasting

Estimated learning time: 3-4 hrs

An introduction to the science of how fasting, energy restriction, hunger, and appetite work. We’ll answer:

  • What is fasting?
  • What happens physiologically and psychologically when we go without food?
  • What does the research say about fasting?

Unit 2:
Assessing the plans

Estimated learning time: 3-4 hrs

This unit moves from the theoretical to the practical. We’ll look in-depth at assessing, evaluating, implementing, and monitoring IF in your coaching practice. You’ll dig into the various programs and learn how to determine which clients might fit which plans.

Unit 3:
Your coaching process

Estimated learning time: 3-4 hrs

So you’ve started your client on an IF plan. This unit teaches you how to monitor and assess their progress and experience while also giving you evidence-based information to troubleshoot any potential problems.

Use intermittent fasting to get your clients awesome results

The science behind intermittent fasting combined with practical takeaways to help you explain how IF works and set expectations around results.


What’s included in How to Coach Intermittent Fasting?

30+ downloadable resources.

Get exclusive access to the coaching resources we use with clients at PN, like our Deep Health Questionnaire, food and eating journals, Continuum of Fasting-type Plans cheat sheet, and more.

Tools & assessments to determine what level of IF to start with

Including handy forms to help you assess if an intermittent fasting or intermittent energy restriction plan is a fit for your clients (or you), measure how well your program is working, and adjust depending on what happens.

Apply this towards an Advanced Certificate in Coaching Dietary Strategies.

This is one of three required courses for the Specialist in Coaching Dietary Strategies Certificate. Take any course as standalone, or all three to earn the certificate and showcase your expertise.

Supplemental Reading & Resources.

Enhance your IF education with 25+ resources including PN’s Experiments with Intermittent Fasting eBook with expert answers to all the top IF questions. Also includes our guide on Intermittent Fasting For Women.

Study at your own pace, anywhere.

All of the course materials are delivered digitally, so you can work through the course at your own speed, from anywhere in the world.

Use this course to earn CECs.

This course qualifies for continuing education credits with the following organizations: ACE, AFAA, CPTN, NASM, ISSA, NBHWC, REPs NZ and UKIHCA.

Why learn with Precision Nutrition?

Here are just a few reasons…

We’re the originators of behavior-change for nutrition coaching, and since 2005 we’ve used the tools, science, and systems in our courses to help over 100,000 people transform their health and fitness. (No other nutrition company in the world can say this.) That means everything you’ll learn has been proven in the real world, with real people.

We are the experts that other experts come to for help. Precision Nutrition advises organizations around the world, coaches elite athletes and sports teams, and has been featured in leading publications. There’s a reason over 2 million people come to our website every single month.

We’re the home of the world’s #1 nutrition coaching certification, with over 150,000 health and fitness professionals choosing to get certified by us.

Science-backed and peer-reviewed. Our coaching method was recently validated in 3 peer-reviewed studies. This means everything you’ll learn is backed by science.

Bottom line: If you want to learn how to coach nutrition from the best in the field, you’ve come to the right place.


Get instant access to the How to Coach Intermittent Fasting digital course materials for only $349. You’ll get everything you need on the science and practical application of intermittent fasting, so you can confidently help your clients get the results they’re looking for.

How to Coach Intermittent Fasting
$ 349 USD

45-day money-back guarantee.

How to Coach Intermittent Fasting
$ 349 USD

45-day money-back guarantee.

Frequently Asked Questions

Use intermittent fasting to get your clients awesome results

The science behind intermittent fasting combined with practical takeaways to help you explain how IF works and set expectations around results.