Step 4: Adjust


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Step 4: Adjust

As you probably know, coaching is an iterative process.

This means you try something, monitor the results, measure if things are working or not, and then – based on the results of your measures – decide what to do next.

Today, we’ll look more at that last step in the process; adjusting a client’s plan based on what they’re doing and how it’s going.

As discussed in the video above, if a client is rockin’ it, you’ll probe to learn what they’re doing to be so successful. This way you can use these “superpowers” to help them succeed with new and possibly more challenging habits.

If your client is struggling, you’ll look for both their limiting factors and their “hidden” advantages. You can use these to overcome their current struggles and turn them into successes.

To think through a client’s limiting factors and advantages – as well as how to turn those into new daily practices – check out the worksheets below.

Today’s Resources

Limiting Factors and Advantages

In making changes, clients will have both limiting factors and advantages (or “superpowers”). Here’s how to identify them and use them in the service of their goals.

An Appropriate View of Progress

Always looking ahead towards your goals, and never looking back at how far you’ve come, is demotivating. This worksheet helps identify victories, make space to celebrate them, and build momentum for the new habits ahead.

Want to download all 30+ of the assessments, questionnaires and worksheets we use with our clients?

Print them out as-is (with the Precision Nutrition logo) and start using them immediately. Note: Graduates of our Level 1 Certification program are permitted to rebrand these with their own company logo so their brand is front and center.

Wrap Up

At this point in the coaching process you will have:

  • assessed your client,
  • made recommendations based on what you’ve learned about them,
  • measured what they’re doing and how it’s going, and
  • made adjustments based on their superpowers and limiting factors.

This model is highly effective but leaves out two important components of coaching: Education and Support. Which is why I’ll be back tomorrow with a special bonus day.

In Step 5: Educate and Support I’ll share some really useful resources for creating long-term coaching relationships with your clients.

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The Level 1 Certification opens just twice per year and sells out within hours. By joining the presale list, at no obligation, you’ll learn more about the program, get the chance to enroll 24 hours early, and save up to 30% off the general price.